Thursday, May 25, 2017

Python ImportError No module named X

There are sometimes when you want to run a python script from a package directly, and you may encounter “ImportError: No module named X” error. This blog shares why and how to solve it.

vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ tree  .
└── pack1

vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ cat

print("this is p0")
import pack1.p1

vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ cat ./pack1/

print("this is p1")

import pack1.p2

vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ cat ./pack1/
print("this is p2")

Running is ok:
vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ python ./
this is p0
this is p1
this is p2

But if you want to run directly, you will run into the import error:
vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ python ./pack1/
this is p1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./pack1/", line 7, in <module>
    import pack1.p2
ImportError: No module named 'pack1'

To find out why, we can print python runtime’s path, adding the highlighted into ./pack1/
vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ cat ./pack1/

import sys

print("this is p1")

And rerun it:
vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ python ./pack1/

this is p1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./pack1/", line 7, in <module>
    import pack1.p2
ImportError: No module named 'pack1'

You can see Python add the directory where the script being run is under to the runtime paths, there is no /stock/test_python/pack1/pack1/, and the error is thrown out. 

To solve this problem, export the current directory:
vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ export PYTHONPATH='.'
vagrant@stock:/stock/test_python$ python ./pack1/

this is p1
this is p2