This is the file that is used by PerfSpy, and you can tweak
this file to get the information you need:
Snippet 1:
1): <entry target="com.yourcompany.zoo.animal.Dolphin"><!-- you can skip capturing certain methods --><!-- <skip>com.yourcompany.zoo.animal.Dolphin.backflip</skip> -->1)<entry target="com.yourcompany.zoo.animal.Dolphin"><!-- you can skip capturing certain methods --><!-- <skip>com.yourcompany.zoo.animal.Dolphin.backflip</skip> -->2)<detailOps parts="all" all="true"><!-- <detailOp parts="param,return">--><!--<detailOp>com.yourcompany.zoo.animal.People.Trainer.award</detailOp>--></detailOps>3)<connection provider="com.perfspy.monitor.dao.SimpleConnectionProvider"><url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@</url><user>PerfSpyDemo</user><password>PerfSpyDemo</password></connection></entry>
Recall PerfSpyDemoAsepct defines cflowOps as:
com.yourcompany.zoo.animal.Animal.playTricks(..) ) )")
public void cflowOps() {
2): <detailOps parts="all" all="true"/>
3): <connection provider="com.perfspy.monitor.dao.SimpleConnectionProvider">
Snippet 2:
<analysis><analyzer>com.perfspy.monitor.analyze.SlowAnalyzer</analyzer><analyzer>com.perfspy.monitor.analyze.DuplicationAnalyzer</analyzer><slow>2</slow> <!--in seconds --></analysis>
Snippet 3:
<queuesize simple="10"
<batchsize simple="4"
queuesize specifies the size limit of the
queue. If
detailed logging is configured, the task becomes heavier and you should keep
fewer tasks in the queue to save memory. detail refers to
the queue size when detailed logging is configured. simple refers to the queue size when
detailed logging is not configured.
batchsize specifies how many tasks to be written
before committing to the database . If detailed logging is configured, the task
becomes heavier and you should commit more often to save memory.
Snippet 4:
<perfspyio><Types>1) <include within="com.yourcompany.zoo"/></Types>2) <collection limit="5"/></perfspyio>
1): <include within="com.yourcompany.zoo"/>
2): <collection limit="5">
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