Friday, June 20, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Oracle Editioning a table
In the last blog, I have traced the steps of Tom’s wonderful
introductions to Oracle 11.2 new feature “Editioning-based redefinition” to
edition a stored procedure.
Edition-Based Redefinition, Part 2
Looking at Edition-Based Redefinition, Part 3
All The following object types are editionable:
- Synonyms
- Views (including editioning views, which we’ll define below
- All PL/SQL object types (functions, procedures, packages, and so on)
Tables are not. But do not despair, there is a way to make
tables editioned, it is just it can seem as a roundabout and confusing way.
Big picture
There is an employees table, containing a phone_number
column. We want to use two columns (country and phone#) to store phone
This change requires us to do:
- Add two columns (country_code and phone#) to table employee
- Handling existing data. For existing phone numbers stored in column phone_number, we need to figure out the country part and the regional part, and stored them in the two new columns.
- Ensure new user code and old user code can co-exist for some time before all old user code can be converted. Old user code will continue to access phone_number column, new user code will use the two new columns. phone_number values created by the old user code will be handled to create values in the two new columns; values in the two new columns will be handled to create values in phone_number column.
The final picture looks like this:
All code has to access the editioning view (employees)
to access the real physical table (employees_rt). The original table employees
is now renamed to employees_rt.The old code continues to use the phone_number
column of the table; the new code uses the two new columns (country_code
& phone#) of the table. When the old user code changes phone_number,
a forward
crossedition trigger carries the value to the two new columns country_code
& phone#). When the new user code changes country_code & phone#,
backward crossedition trigger carries the value to phone_number.
In this way, the old and new user code can co-exist for a long time until all
old user code is ready to be shutdown.
Create table and user code
--use sys accountgrant all on hr.employees to demoalter user demo quota 100M on USERS;grant unlimited tablespace to demo;--use demo/democreate tableemployeesasselect * from hr.employees;create sequence emp_seq start with 500;create or replace package emp_pkgasprocedure show( last_name_like in employees.last_name%type );function add( FIRST_NAME in employees.FIRST_NAME%type := null,LAST_NAME in employees.LAST_NAME%type,EMAIL in employees.EMAIL%type,PHONE_NUMBER in employees.PHONE_NUMBER%type := null,HIRE_DATE in employees.HIRE_DATE%type,JOB_ID in employees.JOB_ID%type,SALARY in employees.SALARY%type := null,COMMISSION_PCT in employees.COMMISSION_PCT%type := null,MANAGER_ID in employees.MANAGER_ID%type := null,DEPARTMENT_ID in employees.DEPARTMENT_ID%type := null )return employees.employee_id%type;end;/create or replace package body emp_pkgasprocedure show( last_name_like in employees.last_name%type )asbeginfor x in( select first_name, last_name,phone_number, emailfrom employeeswhere last_name likeshow.last_name_likeorder by last_name )loopdbms_output.put_line( rpad( x.first_name || ' ' ||x.last_name, 40 ) ||rpad( nvl(x.phone_number, ' '), 20 ) || );end loop;end show;function add( FIRST_NAME in employees.FIRST_NAME%type := null,LAST_NAME in employees.LAST_NAME%type,EMAIL in employees.EMAIL%type,PHONE_NUMBER in employees.PHONE_NUMBER%type := null,HIRE_DATE in employees.HIRE_DATE%type,JOB_ID in employees.JOB_ID%type,SALARY in employees.SALARY%type := null,COMMISSION_PCT in employees.COMMISSION_PCT%type := null,MANAGER_ID in employees.MANAGER_ID%type := null,DEPARTMENT_ID in employees.DEPARTMENT_ID%type := null)return employees.employee_id%typeisemployee_id employees.employee_id%type;begininsert into employees( EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME,EMAIL, PHONE_NUMBER, HIRE_DATE,JOB_ID, SALARY, COMMISSION_PCT,MANAGER_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID )values( emp_seq.nextval, add.FIRST_NAME, add.LAST_NAME,add.EMAIL, add.PHONE_NUMBER, add.HIRE_DATE,add.JOB_ID, add.SALARY, add.COMMISSION_PCT,add.MANAGER_ID, add.DEPARTMENT_ID )returning employee_id into add.employee_id;return add.employee_id;end add;end;/
Create editioning view
This requires a one-time maintenance window for sliding in
the editioning view. The general steps for the process are as follows:
- Rename the existing table, because the editioning view will be taking over the old name.
- Create the editioning view, giving it the name of the original table.
- Drop any triggers on the existing table, and move them to the editioning view. This step is recommended because the CREATE TRIGGER statements you have refer to the table by name directly. You’ll want the triggers on the editioning view that now has the name of the original table.
- Re-create the triggers on the editioning view.
- Revoke privileges from the base table, and re-grant them on the editioning view.
- Take other steps, such as moving a fine-grained access control policy from the base table to the editioning view.
In the future, as you develop your new applications, you can
avoid this outage entirely by using ditioning views in your application code
from the very beginning. This strategy will allow you to rename and reorder
columns in your table in a very trivial fashion and will permit online
application upgrades coupled with physical schema changes.
--use demo/demoalter table employees rename to employees_rt;create editioning view employeesasselectEMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME, EMAIL, PHONE_NUMBER,HIRE_DATE, JOB_ID, SALARY,COMMISSION_PCT, MANAGER_ID,DEPARTMENT_IDfrom employees_rt/alter table employees_rtadd( country_code varchar2(3),phone# varchar2(20))/create index employees_phone#_idxon employees_rt(phone#)ONLINE INVISIBLE/
Create forward crossedition trigger
The forward crossedition needs to be
created in version2, however, its firing is done by actions in the old version
– confusing right? The forward crossedition trigger will
analyze old values and figure out values for the two new columns.
alter session set edition = version2;create or replace trigger employees_fwdxeditionbefore insert or update of phone_number on employees_rtfor each rowforward crosseditiondeclarefirst_dot number;second_dot number;beginif :new.phone_number like '011.%'thenfirst_dot:= instr( :new.phone_number, '.' );second_dot:= instr( :new.phone_number, '.', 1, 2 );:new.country_code:= '+'||substr( :new.phone_number,first_dot+1,second_dot-first_dot-1 ); substr( :new.phone_number,second_dot+1 );else:new.country_code := '+1'; := :new.phone_number;end if;end;/
Now let us change all the existing phone numbers in the phone_number
alter session set edition = ORA$BASE;update employees set phone_number = phone_number;
Upgrading user code
Now the physical schema has been changed (employees_rt
table has two new columns), it is ready to upgrade the user code. To not upset
existing running code, this will be done in version2.
alter session set edition = version2;--the user code now starts to use the new columnscreate or replace editioning view employeesasselectEMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME, EMAIL, COUNTRY_CODE, PHONE#,HIRE_DATE, JOB_ID, SALARY,COMMISSION_PCT, MANAGER_ID,DEPARTMENT_IDfrom employees_rt/create or replace package emp_pkgasprocedure show( last_name_like in employees.last_name%type );function add( FIRST_NAME in employees.FIRST_NAME%type := null,LAST_NAME in employees.LAST_NAME%type,EMAIL in employees.EMAIL%type,COUNTRY_CODE in employees.COUNTRY_CODE%type := null,PHONE# in employees.PHONE#%type := null,HIRE_DATE in employees.HIRE_DATE%type,JOB_ID in employees.JOB_ID%type,SALARY in employees.SALARY%type := null,COMMISSION_PCT in employees.COMMISSION_PCT%type := null,MANAGER_ID in employees.MANAGER_ID%type := null,DEPARTMENT_ID in employees.DEPARTMENT_ID%type := null )return employees.employee_id%type;end;/create or replace package body emp_pkgasprocedure show( last_name_like in employees.last_name%type )asbeginfor x in( select first_name, last_name,country_code, phone#, emailfrom employeeswhere last_name likeshow.last_name_likeorder by last_name )loopdbms_output.put_line( rpad( x.first_name || ' ' ||x.last_name, 40 ) ||rpad( nvl(x.country_code, ' '), 5 ) ||rpad( nvl(, ' '), 20 ) || );end loop;end show;function add( FIRST_NAME in employees.FIRST_NAME%type := null,LAST_NAME in employees.LAST_NAME%type,EMAIL in employees.EMAIL%type,COUNTRY_CODE in employees.COUNTRY_CODE%type := null,PHONE# in employees.PHONE#%type := null,HIRE_DATE in employees.HIRE_DATE%type,JOB_ID in employees.JOB_ID%type,SALARY in employees.SALARY%type := null,COMMISSION_PCT in employees.COMMISSION_PCT%type := null,MANAGER_ID in employees.MANAGER_ID%type := null,DEPARTMENT_ID in employees.DEPARTMENT_ID%type := null)return employees.employee_id%typeisemployee_id employees.employee_id%type;begininsert into employees( EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME,EMAIL, COUNTRY_CODE, PHONE#, HIRE_DATE,JOB_ID, SALARY, COMMISSION_PCT,MANAGER_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID )values( emp_seq.nextval, add.FIRST_NAME, add.LAST_NAME,add.EMAIL, add.COUNTRY_CODE, add.PHONE#, add.HIRE_DATE,add.JOB_ID, add.SALARY, add.COMMISSION_PCT,add.MANAGER_ID, add.DEPARTMENT_ID )returning employee_id into add.employee_id;return add.employee_id;end add;end;/
Create backward crossedition trigger
The backward crossedition needs to be
created in the base version, however, its firing is done by actions in the new
version – confusing right? The backward crossedition trigger will
analyze new values and figure out values for the old column.
alter session set edition = ORA$BASE;create or replace trigger employees_revxeditionbefore insert or update of country_code,phone# on employees_rtfor each rowreverse crosseditiondeclarefirst_dot number;second_dot number;beginif :new.country_code = '+1'then:new.phone_number;else:new.phone_number :='011.' ||substr( :new.country_code, 2 ) ||'.' ||;end if;end;/
With the forward
trigger and backward trigger, the new and old user code can co-exist.
--the old use codeSQL> alter session set edition = ORA$BASE;SQL> begindbms_output.put_line( emp_pkg.add( first_name => 'A1',last_name => 'B1',email => 'A1',phone_number => '703.123.9999',hire_date => sysdate,job_id => 'IT_PROG' ) );end;/--the new use codeSQL> alter session set edition = version2;SQL> begindbms_output.put_line( emp_pkg.add( first_name => 'A2',last_name => 'B2',email => 'A2',country_code => '+44',phone# => '703.123.4567',hire_date => sysdate,job_id => 'IT_PROG' ) );end;/
Make the new edition default for new sessions
This can be done in an after logon
SQL> grant use on edition version2 to public;SQL> create orreplace trigger set_edition_on_logonafter logon on databasebegindbms_session.set_edition_deferred( 'VERSION2' );end;/
Clean up
When no one is using ORA$BASE anymore, we can:- Dropping the forward and reverse crossedition triggers
- Optionally, dropping or setting as unused the PHONE_NUMBER column
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